“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Sacrum Testametum
Founder and Director Kevaughn C. A. Mattis
Sacrum Testamentum, is an online theological journal founded and co-ordinated by Mr. Kevaughn Mattis. A Christian layman from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It is an open-access, ecumenical journal that seeks to bring the best of Christian scholarship to bear on practical issues, thereby negating the gap between the church and the academy.
Testamentum Imperium, an affiliated journal, is an international theological journal also founded and co-ordinated by Kevaughn Mattis with the assistance of Dr. Michael Maness (Managing Editor). Unlike Sacra Testamentum, it is specifically devoted to the concept that the eternal security of the Christian believer is a Great Testament of the church.
It was conceived from the beginning to include scholars from all over the world. The plan succeeded fantastically. It became the largest collection of contemporary theologians and Bible students in the world writing on the eternal security of the Christian believer from a wide variety of traditions.
Nearly every aspect of eternal security is looked at purely from the theological to its implications for and in pastoral care. Most of the authors have earned doctorates. Many are fully tenured professors, long-time pastors and some Ph.D. students. The authors come from many of the major universities and seminaries and from all the continents of the world. (http://www.preciousheart.net/ti)
Journal of Inter-School Christian Fellowship
Trinidad-Tobago - home of Kevaughn Mattis, Founder and Director of Sacra Testamentum