Our Ministries
Sacrum Testamentum
Vol. 3:
The Dread of Legalism and the Delight of the Law
Hebrew Bible
Delighting in the Law in the Book of Psalms
(a) Dr. Barbara M. Leung Lai (Evangelical Free Church) (Ph.D., Sheffield) (Research Professor of Old Testament, Tyndale University College & Seminary, Canada) (received) (blai@tyndale.ca)
(b) Dr. Erhard S. Gerstenberger (Lutheran) (Professor of Old Testament Literature and Theology Emeritus, University of Marburg, Germany (received) (gersterh@staff.uni-marburg.de)
Grace as the Ground of Obedience in the Psalms
Annette Afful (Pentecostal) (Ph.D. student, Biblical Interpretation (Old Testament), Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, USA) (received) (anneafful@yahoo.com)
Torah as Gift in Jewish Theology
Dr. Emmanuel O. Nwaoru (Roman Catholic) (Th.D., (1999), Old Testament, Katholisch-Theologisches Fakultat, Universitat Munchen, Germany) (Lecturer in Hebrew Bible, Department of Biblical Studies, Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port Harcourt, Nigeria) (received) (eonwaoru@yahoo.com)
Redemptive Love as the Ground of Obedience in Deuteronomy
Dr. Terry Ann Smith (Baptist) (Ph.D., Drew University) (Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, New Brunswick Theological Seminary) (received) (tsmith@nbts.edu)
Redemptive Love as the Ground of Obedience in Exodus
Rev Fr. Dr. Emmanuel Kojo Ennin Antwi (Roman Catholic) (Dr. Theol., Albert-Ludwig’s University, Freiburg, Germany, with specialization in Old Testament Literature and Exegesis) (Senior Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana) (received) (kojoantwi999@yahoo.de)
Reverence and Awe as a Ground of Obedience in the Hebrew
Dr. Felisi Sorgwe (Baptist) (Ph.D., Baylor) (Associate Professor of Theology, Houston Baptist University, USA) (received) (fsorgwe@hbu.edu)
Obedience as Healing Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs
Rev. Prof. Dr. Yaw Adu-Gyamfi (Baptist) PhD (Sheffield) (University of the Western Cape/Ghana Baptist University College) (received) (yawag156@gmail.com)
The Hesed and Rahamim of God as Resources for Obedience in the Midst of Suffering in the Book of Lamentations
Dr. Dorcas Chebet Juma (Reformed Church of East Africa) (Ph.D., Old Testament, Stellenbosch University, South Africa) (Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department Philosophy & Religious Studies, Pwani University, Kenya) (received) (dorcaschebetjuma@gmail.com)
Modern Applicability of the Book of Leviticus for Joyful Obedience (editor Dr. Heiko Wenzel
h.wenzel@campus-danubia.at) – Dr. Roy E. Gane (Seventh-day Adventist) (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, USA) (Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages, Old Testament Department, Andrews University, USA) (received) (gane@andrews.edu)
New Testament
Grace as the Ground of Obedience in Romans 6
Dr. B. J. Oropeza (Free Methodist) (Ph.D., University of Durham, England) (Professor of Biblical Studies, Azusa Pacific University, USA) (received) (boropeza@apu.edu)
The Interrelation of Grace, Freedom and Obedience in Paul’s Law/Grace and Mosaic Law/Law of Christ Dichotomy
Dr. Tony Costa (Baptist) (Ph.D. in Theology and New Testament Studies, Radboud University, the Netherlands) (Lecturer in Islam and Apologetics, Toronto Baptist Seminary, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) (received) (tmcos@rogers.com)
Entole in John’s Gospel and the Commandments in 1 John: The Theology of the Commandment (Law) in John’s Writings
biju_c2001@yahoo.com) - Dr. Nathaniel Osei-Asante (Evangelical) (Master’s Thesis in Biblical Studies, London School of Theology, UK, supervisor: Cornelis Bennema; Ph.D., New Testament (2017), North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa; supervisor: Daniel Lioy) (received) (natybongo25@gmail.com)
Obedience as Faith Working through Love in Galatians
Rev. Dr. Samuel Dawai (Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon) (Doctorate in New Testament (2007), the Université Protestante d'Afrique Centrale, Yaoundé Cameroon. The topic of his dissertation was: Le langage apocalyptique dans le corpus paulinien) (Director of the Lutheran Brethren Theological Seminary at Kaélé, North Cameroon) (received) (samuel.dawai@gmail.com)
Love and Grace as the Foundation of Obedience in Philippians
Dr. Mark Keown (Presbyterian) (Th.D., Laidlaw College) (Senior Lecturer in New Testament, Laidlaw College, New Zealand) (received) (MKeown@laidlaw.ac.nz)
Theological Studies
Obedience as Delighting in God in Calvin’s Theology
Dr. Amos Winarto Oei, Ph.D. (Reformed) (Ph.D. in Moral Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA) (Dean of students and a Lecturer in Ethics and Theology, Aletheia Theological Seminary, Lawang, East-Java, Indonesia) (received) (amoswinarto@sttaletheia.ac.id)
The Relationship Between Obedience and Responsibility in the Theology of Katie Geneva Cannon
Dr. CL Nash (American Baptist Church) (Ph.D., Constructive Theology and Ethics, University of Edinburgh/Gloucestershire, UK) (received) (profclnash@gmail.com)
The Beauty of God as Ground for Obedience in the Ascetical-Contemplative Tradition
Dr. David Fagerberg (Roman Catholic) (Ph.D., Yale University) (Professor of Liturgical Studies, University of Notre Dame, USA) (received) (fagerberg.1@nd.edu)
Law and Legalism
Egalitarian Readings of Paul: Gender Justice as Liberation from Legalism
Dr. Olive J. Hemmings (Seventh-day Adventist) (Ph.D., Claremont) (Professor of Religion and Ethics, Washington Adventist University, USA) (received) (ohemming@wau.edu)
If You Love Me, Keep My Commandments: Legalism in John’s Gospel?
Dr. Peter John Barber (Ph.D. Aberdeen) (Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies - Nipawin Bible College) (received) (pbarber@nipawin.org; peter_barber@hotmail.com)
The Gracious Torah of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew
Dr. Vaitusi Nofoaiga (Congregational Christian Church Samoa) (Ph.D., New Testament, University of Auckland, New Zealand) (Lecturer in New Testament Studies, Malua Theological College, Samoan Islands) (received) (nofoaigavaitusi@gmail.com)
Legalism and Liberating Obedience in the Synoptic Gospels
Dr. Melanie Howard (Mennonite) (Ph.D., Princeton Seminary) (Assistant Professor and Program Director, Biblical & Theological Studies, Fresno Pacific University, USA) (received) (melanie.howard@fresno.edu)
Judgment According to Works on the Last Day as Occasion of Joy
Dr. Jiřà Moskala (Seventh-day Adventist) (Th.D. (1990), Comenius Evangelical Theological Faculty (today a part of Charles University) in Prague, Czech Republic; Ph.D. (1998), Andrews University, USA) (Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology; Dean, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, USA) (received) (moskala@andrews.edu)
Hermeneutical Principles for Avoiding Legalism and Oppressive Biblical Interpretation
Dr. John Oswalt (Methodist) (Ph.D., Brandeis) (Visiting Distinguished Professor of Old Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary, USA) (received) (john.oswalt@asburyseminary.edu)
Can Fallen Church Leaders be Restored to Office?
Revd. Dr. Timothy T.N. Lim (Presbyterian) (Ph.D., Regent University, USA) (Director, Centre for Chinese Research and Training; Lecturer, Systematic Theology, Carey Baptist College, New Zealand) (received) (tim.lim@carey.ac.nz)
The Role of Grace in the Application of Church Discipline
Rev. Dr. Taft Quincey Heatley (Baptist) (Masters of Divinity, Biblical Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA; Doctor of Ministry (2020), Biblical Interpretation and Proclamation, The Candler School of Theology, Emory University, USA) (Senior Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia, USA) (received) (tqheatley@shiloh-bc.org)
Sabbath and Legalism
Legalistic Sabbath Theology in Adventism
Rev. Dale Ratzlaff, M.Div. (Former SDA, Non-Denominational Evangelical) (Founder Life Assurance ministries, USA) (received) (Dale@Ratzlaf.com)
The Non-Legalistic Meaning and Practice of Seventh-day Sabbath Keeping in Adventism
Dr. Kim Papaioannou (Seventh-day Adventist) (Ph.D., New Testament, University of Durham, UK) (received) (kgpap@yahoo.co.uk)
The True Reason and Meaning of Viewing the Decalogue Sabbath as Fulfilled in Christ
Dr. Clinton Baldwin (Evangelical) (Ph.D., Religion (New Testament Studies), Andrews University, USA) (received) (baldwincton@yahoo.com)